At Lakeview Christian Hospice Care, Our Mission is:
To help patients live to their greatest purpose and meaning, to bring hope to a hopeless situation and to administer compassionate care and comfort to patients and their families during this challenging time.
Hospice Care provides a multi-disciplined hospice team that works with the patient and family to assure the best possible care:
* Physicians and Nurses trained in hospice medicine, provide pain management expertise
* Home health aides assist in personal care and homemaking for the patient and
* Relief for regular caregivers
* Social Workers assist caregivers in coping with stress, financial issues, and arrange for other important community resources
* Pastoral counselors address spiritual issues
* Therapists and Dietitians contribute as needed
* Volunteers become nurturing friends
* Bereavement counselors continue to support the family after the death of their loved oneHospice Benefits
* Minimize physical pain, with each member of the LCHC medical team utilizing their specific skills in controlling discomfort
* Provide emotional support for the patient and family members
* Provide spiritual care
* Encourage patients and families to share enriching times
Admission Criteria
* Confirmed diagnosis of a life-limiting illness
* Patient desires hospice care
* Attending physician is available
* Patient must live in the Eddy County service area
* Caregiver availability (Patients requesting hospice care who live alone will be evaluated and accepted under special agreement.)